Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Faculty of Business Studies

Are you a student of "International Management"? Here are some recommendations for your studies:

If you are native speaker of English, you have mastered the language of international business. However, you might have to adjust to your partner's level of language skills.To those not fluent in English: please take into account that English is the predominant means of international communication. Furthermore, the Anglo-American textbooks are generally the best ones. Therefore it is recommended to learn the vocabulary of economics and management in time; e.g. by reading the text books mentioned below.

During your undergraduate studies it is highly recommended to familiarize yourself with the basic methodology of business studies. An overview can be found in: Raffée: Grundprobleme der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 9th ed., Stuttgart 1995.
Since model building is the basis for economic analysis, reading the first chapter of: Moore, J.H./Weatherford, L.R.: Introductory Management Science, 5. Ed., New Jersey 1998 will prove to be useful.

Another hint for your undergraduate studies: the number and results of the exams are criteria for the placement of your term abroad.

Recommended basic textbooks on international business are: Kutschker, M./ Schmid, St.: Internationales Management, 7th ed., München 2010 and Hill, Ch.: International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, 10th ed., New York 2010.

A Textbook on international economics: Krugman, P.R./ Obstfeld, M.: International Economics - Theory and Policy, Upper Saddle River 2010 (also available in German).

For related www resources refer to Links.

Last but not least: successful studies require that you prepare courses in advance, attend the courses and review the topics afterwards. This way you will optimise your learning success (and avoid unpleasant surprises when preparing for the final exams).

For further questions please contact the "Studienberatung" or myself.

Enjoy and profit from your studies!