Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Faculty of Business Studies


Welcome to my homepage! Below you find curcial information for the the successful participation in my lecture "International Law and Compliance"​​



 Due to the Tag der offenen Tür the lecture on January 22, 2020 starts at approx. 11.15 am. 


Script & Case Studies

You find the Power Point Slides of the lectures as well as the Case Studies on this side. ​Several publications will be given to the students during the course of the lecture. 



For some parts of the lecture you might find my book "Wirtschaftsprivatrecht", Kohlhammer Verlag 2016, helpful, in particular pages 18 to 48, 81 to 82, 121, and 190 to 221.

For other parts of the lecture you might find my recently published book "Die Prüfung im Wirtschaftsprivatrecht", Kohlhammer Verlag 2018, helpful, in particular  the Case Studies in Chapter B, which are similar to some case studies we discussed during the lecture (in particular "Praxisaufgabe 5: Nichtstun ist keine Option"). In addition Chapter E could be helpful als well as in particular the following parts of Chapter C (Q&A): 1 to 5 (with a focus on the questions regarding the "Internationales Privatrecht") and 11 to 12 (with a focus on the questions regarding "Unternehmenskäufe"). 

Furthermore, I do strongly recommend my article "Globalisierung und Recht" (Globalisation and Law: Impacts of the Globalisation on the Practise of Cross-border Transactions from a German Perspective), published in the Forschungsbericht of the Fachhochschule Düsseldorf (2014, 27), available on the homepage of the HSD libary. 


Legal Terminology

Since the translation of legal terminology is quite difficult I attach a list with the most relevant translations (work in progress). 



The following collection of German European und international Laws should be bought as soon as possible: "Wichtige Wirtschaftsgesetze für Bachelor/Master“, Band 1, 11. Aufl. 2019/20, nwb  Textausgabe, Hrsg. Berens/ Engel, EUR 10,40 (or a new edition). In addition the English and German version of the German Corporate Governance Kodex can be used in the exam.