Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Faculty of Business Studies

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​German Business in a Global Context

Summer Semester 2024

​​Course Code​


​Course Title

​International Trade​
​Open Economy Macroeconomics
​Economic Foundations of International Business
Differentiation and Positioning –
a strategical approach on how to market lifestyle products
Business Professional Speech
Wirtschaftsdeutsch Mittelstufe
International Finance​
Supply Chain Management
​Introduction to Applied Econometrics
​Global Business Simulation
Global Operations Management​
​Marketing Analytics and Big Data

(Status as of 20/03/2024​, subject to modifications)

​Preview Winter Semester 2024​​​/25

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Please note that this is a non-binding forecast !
Subject to modifications !

​​Course Code​


​​Course Title

Institutional Economics in an International Context
​IP.01.02 / IP.01.03
E​conomics of Strategy and Management​
International Retail
​Digital Sales & Distribution
T​ools & Methods of International Distribution​

D​ifferentiation and Positioning –
a strategical approach on how to market lifestyle products
​Business Professional Speech
W​irtschaftsdeutsch Mittelstufe
Otte-Gräbener​I​ntroduction to German Corporate and Commercial Law
​​​IP.09.01 / IP.09.03
​Applied Macroeconomics for Managers
International Finance
M​arketing in an International Context
​Sustainability Management in an International Environment





